The Amazon No.1 Property Bestseller!

How To Buy Property Using Other People's Time, Money And Experience
6th Revised And Updated Edition
"When an author pins down a timeless point of interest, and writes in a way that communicates to generations, it is a recipe for success"
M. Gibbins-Klein. (2016). Good Books Go On and On, The Huffington Post UK

4.0 out of 5
"Simon covers the essentials of what you need to consider, prepare for and do to take action, and more importantly, to be successful"
Jayne Owen. (2012). Property Magic - Simon Zutshi, The Property Bookshop

4.5 out of 5
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In the 10th Anniversary Edition of this No.1 Best Selling Property Book, experienced property investor Simon Zutshi will share with you some of the secrets behind his Property Mastermind Programme. Simon teaches you how to build a property portfolio and replace your income. This all by using other people’s time, money and experience.
This book is designed to open your mind and stimulate your thinking. You will then be made aware of some of the current possibilities available to you, in the world of property investing.
Full of inspirational case studies, Property Magic helps to build your personal belief of what of what you could achieve. This is in a relatively short amount of time, by investing in property.
Although this book is focused on investing in the UK property market, the concept of finding and helping motivated sellers to reach an ethical win/win solution, works in property markets all over the world. You can build your personal wealth whilst helping other people solve their property problems.